what we
We believe that the Old Testament and New Testament Scriptures in their original writing as fully inspired by God and accept them as the supreme and final authority for faith and life.
The Bible - this is the inspired word of God and the scriptures are the basis for what we do.
Relationships - we are called into a real relationship with God, knowing Him personally. We are also to live in real relationship and friendship with other people.
Serving - we are called to serve, using both practical and spiritual gifts in the church for God's glory.
Worship - we are called to be worshippers, not just through the act of worship, but through our lifestyles.
Unity - we are one church family but also in our individual families, we should live together in peace and harmony, loving one another.
Leadership - the church has leaders who have both authority and responsibility for the spiritual wellbeing of those in the church.
Giving - we are to be those who give freely and generously from all that God has blessed us with.
Faith - we are commissioned to share our faith, to make disciples.
Prayer - we should be actively engaging in prayer, both individually and together as a church.
Mission - we are to be involved in what God is doing throughout our nation and across the nations.
Our vision is to build a local church in Biggin Hill according to God's Word (the Bible) and in the power of the Holy Spirit that many might call on Him and be saved.
We seek to follow the example of Acts 2, ‘being devoted to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer'.
We are passionate about loving and worshipping God with a servant heart.
We are committed to loving one another and meeting people's needs.
We are excited about helping people discover Jesus.
We are devoted to encouraging each other to apply the Bible's teaching to everyday life.
We believe in the importance of knowing God personally, loving him, trusting him, displaying his glory and being obedient to his word.
Our vision can be expressed through the following four words, 'Knowing, Showing, Growing & Going'.
We want to know God, recognise the need for forgiveness for our sin, and have a daily relationship with Him.
As disciples of Jesus, we want to receive power from the Holy Spirit to enable us to live lives that are pleasing to Him and help us to tell others about Him.
We aim to be a church that is growing in faith, in the understanding of the Bible, to be purposeful in prayer, holy living and sharing our lives and living as a community that demonstrates the new life God has given us. As part of 'Regions Beyond', we are committed to playing our part in helping churches grow not only locally but internationally too.
As ambassadors for Jesus, we aim to tell others about Jesus, locally, nationally and internationally. We aim to be involved in local outreach as well as the wider mission to this nation and other nations as part of wider family of Regions Beyond.